Tuesday, March 1, 2011

About Homework

Students always have access to their homework through blogs. The main blog should be checked over the weekend for the upcoming weekly agenda, which contains a reminder of the reading assignment, as well as any homework assignments or announcements common to all classes I teach. However, this class blog for the 10B class, that I call 10MLit34, will have much information right here. Homework will be abbreviated as "HW" below.

HW1 - a two-part writing assignment about your reading habits and how you spend your personal time, available on the main blog.
HW2 - a response to the updated questions to the article handed out during week one called Equal Rights Ascending. You can find a link below in the article post.
HW3 - About section one, chapters I to IV (pages 3 to 44) of Animal Farm.
1.      Analyze one of the characters in Animal Farm and relate it to allegory.
2.      Explain the importance of work in one’s life. Do you believe that we are all ultimately slaves in some way in our lives?
HW4 - This homework is about section two of Animal Farm, chapters V – VII, (pages 45 – 89), and is due Thursday, 3 March 2011.
1.      For what reasons did Snowball want to build the windmill?
2.      What happened to Snowball during the vote about the windmill?
3.      When the animals did not have enough food to eat (chapter VI) what human activity did Napoleon ask them to do? How did the animals feel about this?
4.      What other human-like activity did the pigs do in chapter VI? How did Squealer explain it?
HW5 - follow this link or go to the e-learning site. Due 10 March 2011.
Animal Farm part 3 (chapters 8 to 10; pages 91 – 141) (20 parts in total)
1.     Why do you think the animals called Napoleon “Father of all animals?” For what reason would they say things like “Thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!” What did the poem Minimus wrote say every young pig’s first words should be? What was done with the poem? (4 parts)
2.     What happened to the windmill in chapter 8 after the timber was sold? What was the immediate reaction of the animals? After that, what did the animals do for two days? (3 parts)
3.     Which two commandments were altered in chapter 8, and how? Write the new or altered commandments down for me. (2 parts)
4.     Describe what happened to Boxer as he was working alone at night. When they were taking him away, what did Benjamin help them to understand? What did the animals do then, and what did Boxer do? How did Squealer explain the situation later? How does the author make us suspect Squealer is lying both during the time he’s speaking and at the end of chapter 9? (7 parts)
5.   After “All animals were equal,” the author describes something that amazed and terrified the animals. What was it? When Benjamin read the commandment to Clover at the end of the story, what did it say? When the animals saw the pigs meeting with the farmers in the last scene of the book, what did they hear Pilkington say? What did they see at the end? (4 parts)
HW6When Rich People Do Stupid Things has questions due 3/14.
HW7Descriptive writing task has already been on the main blog for a week and is also available on the school's new e-learning platform at http://e-learning.kcbs.tpc.edu.tw/ due 3/14.

Second Marking Period (term 5 of this academic year)
HW8 - article: One Hundred Years of Multitude due 3/31 (questions attached, see link below)
HW9 - blog creation: blog up using blogger.com with link to main class blog (this one) and one other link (first gadget), two other gadgets, a welcome post, and one reflective post for the homework that week. Every Friday after that there must be at least one additional reflective post saying what you learned or what went through your mind while you were reading something for our class that week.
HW10 - article: children with Asperger often live in fear of teasing - due 4/14 with 150-word summary and 250 reaction
HW11 Article: 10 Natural Wonders of the World to See Before They Disappear Reaction only: 250 words due 5/6
HW12 reflective posts on your blog 5/13

Third marking period:
HW13: 6/8 All four scenes must be completed by class time for a grade! We will collect the four scenes already written into one "mini-autobiography." We will choose one to work on more intensely for the formal assessment writing grade(final draft due 6/15).

HW14 6/12 This grade will primarily be made up of the four reflective posts on the four parts of Curious Incident (20% each part). Quality of writing and thoughts will be assessed. For the last 20%, anything else you have posted about this marking period will be considered, plus creativity of your blog (template, links, music, videos, etc.), along with quality of writing and thoughts on other posts besides Curious Incident.

HW15 6/17 write a business letter of at least 150 words for a topic posted on the class blog and e-learning no later than Saturday morning 6/11. Students will also have an opportunity to write for 20 minutes on Friday.

HW16 6/17 article reaction (250 words) 96 year-old Dutch woman confesses to World War II-era murder